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Strix Unity SDK
Strix Unity SDKに関する、よくあるご質問と回答
Does STRIX ENGINE support Unity WebGL platforms?
Are games that use STRIX capable of cross-platform multiplayer?
Can I switch the room owner to another player from my application?
Is it allowed to incorporate scripts from STRIX sample apps to my own game?
When I write a name of a STRIX class, a compile error occurs.
I can’t operate the StrixConnectUI
I’d like to know the number of joined members from a room name.
I want to allow players to change their avatars’ clothes, equipment, or hairstyles. How I can implement the feature?
I want to invoke an event when the number of room members reaches a certain value.
When the second player joins, my camera (view) sometimes swaps with that player.
When I play in Unity Editor, my project that imports Strix Unity SDK shows a progress bar over an extended period of time, and it takes very long before the play actually begins.
Can I make a voice chat in a Unity WebGL build?
Could you tell me how to use a custom class in the custom properties of room properties?
If I add multiple room servers to a same cluster, how can I choose a room server to connect to?
What should I do in matchmaking to add many players to a minimum number of rooms?
Can I add more room servers as the CCU increases?
I tried to send a mesh via RPC to implement an avatar dress-up feature, but it doesn't work.
Neither the success nor failure handler of the JoinRoom method is invoked, and my script gets stuck.
I set a value to a particular room property and then refer to it, and I don't get the value that I set.
Some jerky movements (that is, an object suddenly stops for a short period of time) are observed when it comes to the movement synchronization of a simple object.
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